Visit with the STEM girls at Mawo School for STEM Expo 2020

Hello and thank you from our STEM girls

Time Out 4Africa hosted the 4th Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) EXPO for girls in Minna Nigeria.  The EXPO was designed to expose girls, ages 7-10, to the basics of STEM Education.  Thirty-five girls were exposed to basic science experiments, coding through the use of, robotics through the use of code and go mouse sets. Twenty-five of the girls that attended the EXPO where returning from the 2019 EXPO. Twelve of those girls stated that the STEM EXPO was the first time that they were exposed to STEM education.  They were so excited!

Funds donated to Time Out 4Africa’s STEM Camp in Minna were used to purchase the STEM supplies used at the camp.  Funds were also used to purchase drinks and snacks that were provided at the event. Additionally, all the  girls were given a Time Out 4Africa 10 anniversary bookbag for school supplies .

Girls at the EXPO received information on STEM careers and they were encouraged to think about the possibilities of a STEM career opportunity. The girls expressed excitement about engaging in the STEM activities and learning about STEM careers

Your donation made a difference and with your continued support, Time Out 4Africa can reach more girls in Minna, Nigeria, exposing them to the possibilities of STEM careers. 

Please follow us on Instagram and Twitter @Timeout4Africa. Also, visit our website at for upcoming events and to support us during the year. We appreciate your support during March 6th - 13th, 2020 as we compete again for a spot on the GlobalGiving Girls Fund.

Students with there instructors


TimeOut4Africa COVID-19 Relief Project


10th Year Anniversary School Bag Drive